What is a Psychic Medium?
Not all psychics are the same as they all have different gifts.
If you’re seeking advice from a professional intuitive, it can be a little confusing so here is a run down of the main areas.
A medium will connect with your deceased loved ones that have passed to the spirit world. If you want validation or confirmation that your loved ones are still around and watching over you, then a medium is the way.
A medium cannot guarantee that a certain spirit will show themselves at your siting, so be open to other relatives or friends who want to come through with messages for you.
Your medium will use the spirit world to ask about your life and all questions you may want to know. Mediumship is the highest frequency. Using this channel will give you extremely accurate Information. It’s not about what you may be projecting psychically but what your higher self has to say.
Psychic are people who are able to tune into your energy to see what you’re projecting for your future, your current moment and your past.
A psychic will start by telling you some things you already know to validate that they are indeed receiving information from the other side. By tuning into all of your possible futures the psychic will connect in with the strongest projection of your energy. A good psychic will explain everything that will help you to manifest and create a desired future.
Spiritual Counsellor
Some psychics also have the ability to be counsellors. A spiritual counsellor is a psychic who helps you understand why you’re in your current situation and how to get where you want to go in the future.
Like a psychic, a spiritual counsellor will use their abilities to accurately identify what’s going on in your life. Then they will consult with your spirit guides to reconnect you with your life purpose and get you on track to fulfilling that goal.
Like a therapist, a spiritual counsellor will often identify areas of emotional blocks, limiting beliefs, and barriers that are keeping you from achieving your goals and being happy. Spiritual counselling can release your blocks because it tunes into your spirit guides to help you move forward. This will fast track you with your personal development and is an extremely important tool to get you to happiness.
- Regin Le Faye
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